Zach Vruwink

Position title: Former Mayor, Wisconsin Rapids, WI; Deputy Executive Director, League of Wisconsin Municipalities

Why did you decide to join the MIP Steering Committee?

I joined the Steering Committee because I felt a smaller, rural city perspective would be beneficial to offer. I also felt given my engagement with other organizations, I would be able to suggest ideas and topics that would be complimentary in nature. MIP, under the COWS umbrella, is a respectable organization with a great mission!

What makes MIP unique from other organizations?

MIP is unique in that it has very diverse engagement by attendees and member cities and consider that a great strength. Further, I feel that the group is very practical and approachable giving mayors the tools they need to advance their agenda and objectives in making cities better places for their residents.

If you could give one piece of advice to a new Mayor on what you’ve learned in your role, what would it be?

Take time to get engaged externally to your city. The connections and resources will be valuable to your city and the investment of time is worth it!