All Transportation is Local: A Workshop for Mayors & City Leaders

Thursday, March 22 – Friday, March 23, 2018

This invitation-only workshop will offer Mayors and senior transportation staff the opportunity to connect around similar challenges as they seek to use public transit to further their cities’ goals. Organized by TransitCenter and the Mayors Innovation Project, we will share what insights and analysis we have gathered from our research about what Americans want from transit, the role of new mobility providers, transportation governance structures, and more. The emphasis will be on stimulating conversation and creating space for an honest discussion of the issues, offering a combination of informative sessions and city tours.

All presentations and Briefing Book materials are below.

See full agenda here

Presentations and Briefing Book


Mayor Michael B. Hancock, Denver, CO
Mayor Adam Paul, Lakewood, CO

Danny Pleasant, Charlotte, NC

Councilmember Pam O’Connor, Santa Monica, CA


All Transportation is Local: A Guide for City Leaders, TransitCenter. Read more.

Who’s on Board 2016, TransitCenter. Read more.

Why Uber Won’t Kill Transit, TransitCenter, TransitTools no. 1. Read more.

Transit Ridership Recipe, TransitCenter, TransitTools no. 2. Read more.

Climate Change & Transit, TransitCenter, TransitTools no. 5. Read more.


View our webpage on Transportation Infrastructure here.

Urban Parking: Rational Approaches for Cities & Towns, Mayors Innovation Project, May 2015. Read more.

Urban Freight Transportation: Low Cost Measures to Reduce Negative Impacts, Mayors Innovation Project, May 2014. Read more.