Become a Member

Be a part of the only network of mayors focused on building the high road. We provide you with innovative, actionable solutions; cutting-edge technical assistance on a wide range of policy areas; and peer-to-peer networking opportunities.

We are unique, just like you and your city.

Why join?

  • Free, unlimited registrations to our Summer and Winter meetings
  • Access to additional, invite-only, topic-specific and/or regional meetings, often including travel support
  • Access to the Mayors Innovation Project Network, including policy experts, current and former mayors, and senior city staff
  • Access to technical assistance from Mayors Innovation Project staff and policy experts – members can request up to three short policy memos per year
  • Access to policy and program resources via meeting briefing books and our website
  • Regular email updates on cutting edge city policy and programs and timely local government issues
  • Special programming for first term mayors
  • Access to the Women Mayors’ Network, for woman-identified mayors

You're in good company.

Since we began, hundreds of mayors have joined us as member cities or by participating in our meetings and other events, creating a vibrant network of the most innovative local leaders. Here’s where our members and participants have come from in recent years!

How to Join

1. Complete the membership form.

If you’re new to us, fill out this pdf here and email it to Katya Spear.

2. Determine your city’s membership fee (based on city population)

City Size Membership Fee
1,000,000 or more $8,000
500,000-1,000,000 $7,000
400,000-500,00 $6,000
300,000-400,000 $5,000
200,000-300,000 $4,000
100,000-200,000 $3,000
50,000-100,000 $2,500
30,000-50,000 $1,500
10,000-30,000 $1,250
0-10,000 $750

3. Pay

Pay with a credit card, or contact us to request an invoice. Expect a membership packet through email and mail within 2-3 weeks.

Financial Assistance Available

We are committed to bringing innovation to cities, therefore we try to work with you whenever possible to enable participation. Contact us to learn more. In addition to membership support, we regularly pursue foundation and individual donor funding.

Payment Schedule

We are committed to working with cities to accommodate budget cycles and individual situations. We invite interested mayors to attend their first Winter Meeting for free before joining.


Please contact with questions.

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