In 2022, 7,522 people were struck and killed while walking on US roadways, a shocking 75 percent increase in such deaths since 2010. Meanwhile, more than 65,000 pedestrians were injured in that same year, marking …
Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety
Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety 2024 Report
When Small Projects Make a Big Impact
“While the multi-million dollar highway project might sound impressive, it is the small-scale infrastructure projects—bike lanes, raised crossings, and the like—that are most visible and tangible to people’s lives,” write Chris McCahill and Katya Spear …
Smaller infrastructure investments help pave the way to safer communities
By Chris McCahill and Katya Spear This blog post is a collaboration between the State Smart Transportation Initiative and the Mayors Innovation Project, both programs of the High Road Strategy Center at the University of …
Chicopee Mayor John Vieau joins Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety
Recently the Mayors Innovation Project announced a new group of local leaders for the second annual Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety which included Mayor John Vieau. The program includes a partnership with AARP Livable Communities …
City of Allentown Launches Safe Streets for All Action Plan to Prioritize Roadway Safety
Other efforts to raise awareness of roadway safety include Mayor Tuerk’s involvement in Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety, as well as an ongoing pedestrian safety billboard campaign, featuring Allentown residents and employees, launched in October …
Mayor takes on new role, invests in pedestrian safety
In partnership with American Association of Retired Persons Livable Communities and Smart Growth America, Mayor Scott Conger, is one of the new leaders for the 2nd Mayors Institute on pedestrian safety.
Salem Mayor Dominick Pangallo to Participate in National Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety
Mayor Dominick Pangallo of Salem, has been selected to join the Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety. The Mayors Innovation Project, in partnership with AARP Livable Communities and Smart Growth America, selected 10 mayors to join this …
McMorrin Selected by National Mayor’s Institute on Pedestrian Safety
The Mayors Innovation Project is announcing a new cohort of local leaders for the second annual Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety, and Culver City’s own Yasmine Imani McMorrin has been selected to participate in the …
Kansas City leaders say something has to change following rash of pedestrian crashes
Kansas City now joins nine other cities in the ‘Mayor Institute for Pedestrian Safety.’ For the next six months, Lucas will work with national experts to identify solutions to pedestrian safety challenges.