With the flood of information available, we provide our curated list of the best resources for mayors.
We invite cities to reach out at any time for technical assistance and support. Contact us with questions here.
City Responses
Our live feed provides a few examples of ongoing responses and policy actions coming from cities. We are actively updating this daily – check back regularly. Have an innovative response we should add to this list? Let us know.
The below resources are providing the best ongoing regular updates for cities:
Tracking the Impact of Coronavirus on US Cities: SmartCitiesDive. This feed provides news daily.
CityLab: CityLab is providing daily updates of local responses.
Virtual Learning Initiatives
For Public Health & City Leaders: Coronavirus Local Response Initiative
The COVID-19 Local Leaders Initiative, a partnership between the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative, will provide cities with information and technical assistance.
For Chief Innovation Officers & City Managers: UrbanLeague’s – Virtual CIO and City Manager Communities
UrbanLeap has created virtual communities of CIOs and City Managers to provide a safe space (a closed group for members only) to ask questions and get effective answers quickly. These communities are moderated by subject matter experts and mentors who bring additional insights to the discussions. UrbanLeap is providing this service free of charge, including to non-customers.
CIO Community: https://get.urbanleap.io/covid-19-cio/
City Managers Community: https://get.urbanleap.io/covid-19-cm/